Saturday, April 22, 2006

Reedy Cove Creek FD, April 22, 2006

Woke up at 6:30 am after 1" or more of rain. Headed off to Reedy Cove Creek. We hiked up to the bottom of Twin Falls and decided that it looked good to go.
The hike up to the top was pretty bad but not extremely, easier than the Blue Tag Trail on the Chattooga. Once we got up there and I saw the slide I felt like the hike wasn't so bad. The pool below the slide and above Twin Falls will be named Gateway To Death(class 0, class VI consequences) because of all the railroad dabree that was washed into the pool a long time ago. I hiked up to the top of the first set of slides I will name umm... Galactic Oddisea (class IV and maybe a 100 yards long). While hiking up to the top of the GO my dad and I trimmed some of laurel away from the river and removed a log from it. The top slides are the boniest and needed more rain but I still ran them. The small boulder gardens needs to be run on RR. After scraping down the top half the real fun started the next slides seemed to have no pools and less moss, more confined and more gradient/speed. Two places during the slide I would kinda grind a rock then fall back in the slide on time I straight up just jumped the grind rock and ended up in a trough without any water in it. At the bottom there is a slitely undercut rock on RR that the water pusher you in to so left angle would be good here. It is super beautiful in this mini gorge. I ran the slide probably 4 times and my dad 3 the last time my dad went he flipped because of that undercut wall. Make sure you take out at the pool with the rail road ties and a log jam (a person died a half a week earlier falling off the falls). The maybe is an alternate puttin at the top but I do not know it, but someday I will finish up the descent. We had an inch of rain and it was still fairly low maybe 1.5"-2" of rain for a full descent.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Camping trip by Brevard, April 13-14, 2006

Thursday my sister, dad, and I headed up to the campground next to the Davidson River.We set up camp, made smores, and all that jazz.

The next morning we went to the fish hatchery after the we went there we went up to Looking Glass Falls then to Morr Cove Trail which is a nice little trail that goes up to a pretty good sized undercut falls. You can walk under the falls which is pretty cool.
After that we headed up to the slide on Looking Glass Creek. There was a lotta people there but not to many braving the cold water on this 80 degree day. I ran the slide about ten or so times with my boat. It is realy fun even at this super low lvl (.8 on the Davidson). There is a nice rock jump in the middle of the slide that you can catch some air off of. I scouted super slide which maybe should be gone down left or middle. In the middle of an island in the bottom pool there are two trees which block much of the left side but a right line threw a boulder jumble may be possible.The next rapid is triple drop which looks to me like it only 2 drop but on the first one should probably be run right and then either a left slide kinda thing that may hit boulders or a right boof but it maybe super shallow. The rest of the run is technical steep boulder gardens which are probably IV-IV+. Alot of these boulder gardens have trees in them and this creek maybe in need of some service.I did not get to see all of the rest of the run.
We headed over to Dupont's Little River. We checked out behind the dam and it looks realy hard to get do to it but may be fun with a shuttle set up and also looks like it has some nice whitewater back there. My dad and little sister ran with me to Hooker. At Hooker it was realy shallow and I penciled in and hit a rock on the bottom both times I ran it. The lvls. today were .8 on Davidson and 2.2 on the NF of the French Broad.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Reedy Cove Creek, April 8, 2006

It looked awesome we hiked up from the bottom took the hard way around the falls on the RR side next time we'll go up on RL once we got to the top we hiked up the river crossing over to the RL side there we saw a good sized pool for a take out before the falls and sets of beutiful slides that just seemed to keep on going. All the slides were class IV and beutifully clean we crossed the river to RR again across a rock garden that wasnt so clean but not bad at all. Next time I come I'll bring a saw and cut a tree in the way. Then some more clean bedrock slides. The slides sadly but surely came to a stop. To give way to shallow low sloping rock gardens. The sides altogether lasted for maybe a quarter mile of beutiful slides. There maybe acesses at the top of the run at a christian camp. The whole thing from camp to the bottom parking lot has I think 240 fpm for 2 miles. We looked at it after maybe .4 in of rain at the most and the slides were scrapable but the boulder garden above and below were to low maybe wait for 1 in of rain. Best thing about it FD I think.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Chattooga Sect. III, April 1, 2006

Lead a trip down from Earl's Ford to Sandy Shoals. The party was my dad, my sister Mandy, my sisters boy friend Chris and Caroline my sisters friend. When I went to put on my dry top the right arm gasket ripped glad it was a warm day (74) so I didn't realy need it. I realy don't like leading a trips down a river because I have to go first and show them the line and I can't do a more difficult line or I may mess them up, but I did do some more difficult lines. Warwoman rapid went well. Somewhere between Warwoman and Rock Garden Caroline rolled over but she rolled back up with the help of a rock. At Rock Garden I ran on the RR side of the long rock going down the middle there is a hole that isn't that bad at this lvl but at the lvl that this section gets funner I think there may be a good sized hole on that side. I usualy run RL. The next rapid is 3 Rooster Tails run RR. I caught a super small eddy on the Right side of the RL channel, they all liked this one. Went down to Dicks Creek Rapid I showed them the line on the line just off of the left side of the middle rock island there are many lines on this rapid. I boofed into the eddy and ran it again except I ran the chute line. If you go to far left you will go off the ledge and land on rock and if you go to far right you will miss the line all together. You want to run straight toward the rock tilted back upstream then bank off of it with a left stroke. After this is Sandy Shoals. The first rapid got Caroline because she was try to immitate Mandy then she was like why am I following Mandy? I hit an unseen rock and almost rolled but I did a super high brace. The rest of the rapid was shallow at this lvl. and best run on the left for the most part then cross over right for the final part. Fun day with fam. and friends. The lvl was 1.7 on the internet so somewhere near 1.5 on the bridge.