Friday, February 24, 2006

Eastoe River PFD Feb. 19, 2006

Ran the Eastoe after church. It starts off with a flat valley and the river winds threw it for about a mile in this mile there is probably 7 logjams 4 of them you have to portage around. The gorge starts when the power lines come across the river right at the start of the gorge is Kayak Killer V. I portaged it and so did my dad. Almost all of the water in the rapid runs into the RL undurcut. The rest of the river is class II-III and is actualy fairly boring at this lvl. There are 2 more trees that your have to portage around. I did my roll in this boat for the first time (it wasnt a combat role though). The next time I do this I may Just hike in from the Powerlines farthest up the river to skip the flat part.The lvl. was 14 cfs on the S. Saluda gage and is runnable but way to low in my opinion (The South S. is dam controlled so this lvl. hardly ever changes when it is very low).


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